The M35 represents the second new M-Hull design under Ghostworks Marine stewardship.
The M35 uses a single M-Hull design, which affords unprecedented efficiency, stability, modularity, all weather capability, and payload flexibility for nearly any mission. The M-Hull provides up to a 40% reduction in impact and wave slap compared to a traditional V-hulled vessel of its size.
The M35 was designed to create the same advantages of the M-Hull within a narrow vessel that can be road towed behind a standard civilian work truck.

The M35 can be customized to meet a variety of requirements.
Aid to Navigation Maintenance – The M35 can be fit out with various lifts, davits, and openings to allow it to place, repair, and maintain buoys, posts, signs, and other navigation markers or coastal infrastructure.
Vessel Towing and Rescue – The M35’s high speed, stability, and lifts allow it to aid vessels in distress.
River & Inland Lake Patrol – The ability for the M35 to be transported on roads allows the vessel to be used in inland waters.